British Contemporary Artist Jessica Zoob



Evocative Art



Jessica Zoob reflects the beauty she sees everywhere. Passionate about the environment, she supports both ecological and humanitarian causes. Born in London and based in both Hong Kong and Sussex, her work is internationally collected following multiple solo shows in London, Cape Town and Hong Kong.


The magical light and beauty of the Sussex countryside, where Jessica paints, serves as the inspiration for her “dream state” creations. She is equally moved to paint by her adventures in Asia, by cloud patterns, urban decay or the colours in a butterfly’s wings.

“I do not usually intend the paintings to be figurative, but they are often completed and given meaning by the viewer’s imagination. I may be inspired by a storm, a mountain, a love affair, or possibly all three.”

“Zoob’s use of line, texture and colour recall the work of Gerhard Richter’s abstract paintings and the poetic quality of Claude Monet’s later works. However, they are rich in imagination with an innate energy and beauty all of their own.” – Leonie Irvine, Medici Gallery, Cork Street.